
Notice and Sworn Declaration Exposing Google/YouTube Fraud

  YouTube Terms of Service is rendered Null and Void ab initio and License is immediately and permanently Revoked for Fraud. ______________________________________________________________________ Date Executed and Submitted : March 28, 2023 via the YouTube appeal form and via Twitter postings to @TeamYouTube, and via email directly to Google’s legal team in San Bruno, California: . Special Notice to: Pichai Sundararanjan, CEO, Google LLC, Neal Mohan, CEO, YouTube, and all Google and YouTube Executives, Officers, Supervisors, Managers, Employees, Attorneys and contractors. (Google and YouTube, jointly, are hereinafter referred to as “Accused Fraud Perpetrator” or simply “Accused”)   Identity of Fraud Victim: Clarence Douglas Malcolm (hereinafter “Complainant”) 1515 E 11th Pl., Big Spring, TX 79720j Email: or Facebook:   Subject Fra


President Vladimir Putin is a ghost: ELUSIVE and EVASIVE. Try as one might, he cannot be trapped. Believe is all illusion...nothing is as it appears.  I stopped focusing on effect.  I want to see only CAUSE: only the Absolute Truth of REALITY.  You must be totally in the MATRIX or totally out of it; there is no compromising,  Lukewarm does not boil away one's impurities. Like everyone else I'm responsible for my own "carry on" baggage in one's flight toward heaven. Everyone must bear the burden of packing extremely lightly because the final portal is totally devastating to pass through to the beyond. The portal to the kingdom of heaven is very narrow and the climb upwards is diffuculy and heavy with the "carry on" weight of many temptations, snares, toils and hardships. Nevertheless, Almighty LORD God promises His salvation and Eternal Life in His Magnificant, beyond description, Heaven-Kingdom to all who sincerely REPENT! ...and truly seek Him.

✝️ COSMIC MYSTIC ✝️ SPIRITual Revelations

  ✝️ HOLY ONE LORD GOD ✝️  IN REALITY: ALONE EXIST The ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️ declares... My 🌟 New Years 2023 "Miracle" 🌟 Message to the world; and, for this purpose, I have chosen my servant "Clarence" to be my designated Revelator. Y'all shall know him to be My Appointed  Messenger because of the profound Power, Wisdom and Authority of his writings and verbal utterances which I, the LORD God, have telepathically transmitted  into him. This man, Who ✝️ I AM ✝️ sanctifying unto Christ-likness shall declare my Divine Message OF PEACE and LOVE to all peoples of the world before the forthcoming GREAT, GREAT CHASTISEMENT of transgressors,  globally. The ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️ does not punish humanity because "My Eyes Are Too Pure" to behold the 'appearance" of evil which mortal mind perceives, and erroneous believes to have power; this is because of his polluted mind and corrupt heart. No, it is a godless humanity, blind to my Divine Nature, who brin