President Vladimir Putin is a ghost: ELUSIVE and EVASIVE. Try as one might, he cannot be trapped.

Believe is all illusion...nothing is as it appears.  I stopped focusing on effect.  I want to see only CAUSE: only the Absolute Truth of REALITY.  You must be totally in the MATRIX or totally out of it; there is no compromising,  Lukewarm does not boil away one's impurities.

Like everyone else I'm responsible for my own "carry on" baggage in one's flight toward heaven. Everyone must bear the burden of packing extremely lightly because the final portal is totally devastating to pass through to the beyond.

The portal to the kingdom of heaven is very narrow and the climb upwards is diffuculy and heavy with the "carry on" weight of many temptations, snares, toils and hardships.

Nevertheless, Almighty LORD God promises His salvation and Eternal Life in His Magnificant, beyond description, Heaven-Kingdom to all who sincerely REPENT! ...and truly seek Him.  Our Omnipresent LORD God forsakes no authentic devotee: and it is He Who conducts the sanctifying of heart and mind so one be made holy and transparent: and, thereby worthy to receive, to emit and ti transmit His Glorious unCreated Light.


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I, ✝️ Cosmic Mystic ✝️  says...

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Please be advised: in all my disclosed SPIRITual revelations and witnessing of miracles... ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️  means one's own Divine Nature "within" at the core-center of one beingness: ☀️ the
Indwelling "Son of God" or SPIRITual OMNIPRESENCE pervading and permeating the entire created universe = which is the LIVING CHRIST. [ Collasians 1:27 ]

My own MYSTICAL experiences and revelations expressed in graphics...

God knows I'm joyful with His Holy LOVE flowing through my heart like a crystal clear river reflecting the vast blue sky.

A message from Almighty GOD is transmitted herein.  Great signs, marvels and miracles are coming soon.

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I allege: Facebook deliberately deleted at this link...
36 of the God-realized saints I had featured photos of, as well as, the awesone photo I had of beautiful (inside and outside)Cebu Governor, Gwendolyn Garcia and Presudent Bongbong Marcos.  What goes around always comes around: all who perpetrate evil to harm others in thought, word or deed, shall experience evil in their individual world.

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President Vladimir Putin is a ghost: ELUSIVE and EVASIVE. Try as one might, he cannot be trapped.

Believe me....all this ever-changing world  is all illusion --- nothing is as it appears. 

I recently stopped focusing on effect.  I want to see only CAUSE: only the Absolute Truth of REALITY.  You must be totally in the MATRIX or totally out of it; there is no compromising,  Lukewarm does not boil away one's impurities.

Like everyone else I'm responsible for my own "carry on" baggage in one's flight toward heaven. Everyone must bear the burden of packing extremely lightly because the final portal is totally devastating to pass through to the beyond.

The portal to the kingdom of heaven is very narrow and the climb upwards is made hazardous by the heavy weight of many temptations, snares, toils and hardships.  Nevertheless, God shall, Himself, escort all genuine seekers Home.
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I, ✝️ Cosmic Mystic ✝️  says...

Please be advised: in all my disclosed SPIRITual revelations and witnessing of miracles... ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️  means one's own Divine Nature "within" at the core-center of one beingness: ☀️ the
Indwelling "Son of God" or SPIRITual OMNIPRESENCE pervading and permeating the entire created universe = which is the LIVING CHRIST. [ Collasians 1:27 ]

My own MYSTICAL experiences and revelations expressed in graphics...

God knows I'm joyful with His Holy LOVE flowing through my heart like a crystal clear river reflecting the vast blue sky.

A message from Almighty GOD is transmitted herein.  Great signs, marvels and miracles are coming soon.

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