✝️ COSMIC MYSTIC ✝️ SPIRITual Revelations



The ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️ declares...

My 🌟 New Years 2023 "Miracle" 🌟 Message to the world; and, for this purpose, I have chosen my servant "Clarence" to be my designated Revelator. Y'all shall know him to be My Appointed  Messenger because of the profound Power, Wisdom and Authority of his writings and verbal utterances which I, the LORD God, have telepathically transmitted 
into him.

This man, Who ✝️ I AM ✝️ sanctifying unto Christ-likness shall declare my Divine Message OF PEACE and LOVE to all peoples of the world before the forthcoming GREAT, GREAT CHASTISEMENT of transgressors, 

The ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️ does not punish humanity because "My Eyes Are Too Pure" to behold the 'appearance" of evil which mortal mind perceives, and erroneous believes to have power; this is because of his polluted mind and corrupt heart.

No, it is a godless humanity, blind to my Divine Nature, who brings Heaven's Justice [Galatians 6:7-8] upon themselves because they choose to remain spiritually blind to My Universal OMNIPRESENT Truth; and, are for this reason, living outside and apart from my Divine Umbrella of Holy Grace. 

Why do y'all continue to believe and insist you are "naked?" [Genesis 3:11]  “Who told you that you were naked? 

Moreover, why do y'all take such lofty pride in the "judging" [Matthew 7:1-6]
and "condemning" [John 8:11] of other humans when you know this to be a  grievous sin; one which I commanded you not to do?  

Did I not, also, command y'all to be unceasingly forgiving when you wrong one another? [Matthew 18:21-22]

Myself, I judge and condemn no human. You judge and condemn yourself by your wicked personal will and vile conduct.

The ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️ has neither forsaken, nor abandoned, any human -- no matter how great one's sins against Me; for 
✝️ I AM ✝️ in your heart, at the core-center of your being: existing as one's True and Everlasting Identity: ✝️ I AM ✝️ the Indwelling Living CHRIST in each and all my created chidren.
"Who is above all, and through all, and in all" [ Ephesians 4:6 ]  🦋 for in Me all live, move, and have their being" [ Acts 17:28 ] 
🦋 for it is I, the LORD God of heaven and earth --- which from My Holy Perspective are ONE and the same --- Who provides  "life, breath and all things" [ Acts 17:25 ] 

Only the true devotees of Mine who 
✝️ I AM ✝️  continuously testing and refining unto Christ-likeness --- are capable of perceiving My Truth and judging "righteous judgement."  [John 7:24].

Your duty during your short stay on the earth is to REPENT! ...to learn, and do, My Holy Will; to clean up your filthy mind and open up your heart to my Indwelling Presence  --- which Reigns Supreme at the core-center of your being --- that I might AWAKEN y'all, individually and collectively, to My Eternal Truth and Infinite Reality.  

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."  Revelation 3:20
*  *  *  *  *  
My appointed Revelator, Clarence, shall convey my Mystical Secets to all who will listen and heed My Word which ✝️ I AM ✝️ telepathically transmitting to Clarence when we commune together upon his bed. He possesses My Holy Spirit and shall function as my banner. 

The dreadful, forthcoming Great, Great Chastisement, which violence-prone, arrogant, self-righteous, judgemental and utterly selfish humans have brought upon themselves: due to their continuing  spiritual ignorance and refusal, neglect or failure to repent, shall cause all humanity to suffer -- but spare the ones who have the mark of the blood of My unblemish Holy Lamb, the slain Christ, stained upon their heart; only they, My Holy Spirit-Anointed ones, shall the Angel of Death passover.

How long will y'all insist on possessing a cold, callous "heart of stone?"  Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 36:26; Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8:10. 

REPENT and draw near to Me and I shall no longer hide from you; but, I shall take notice and gradually transform you, degree by degree, into the Perfect Being I know you already are.  While you remain entrapped in your state of spiritual blindness, you cannot AWAKEN to the ETERNAL LIGHT of My Integrated Reality.

"Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee Light."
Ephesians 5:14

Clarence shall reveal My Mystical Secrets with the same authority as my risen Almighty Son, Christ Jesus, Who the spiritually ignorant tortured, and then brutally crucified upon that old rugged cross while His Blessed Mother looked on in great anquish, which for her, was like being pierced through the heart by a sword.

By My Almighty power, I, the 
✝️ HOLY ONE LORD GOD ✝️ resurrected Jesus three days later and, since that time, He lives ETERNALLY in My Infinite and Glorious OMNIPRESENCE, Joy, and Bliss because He is everlastingly Absorbed in My INFINITE LOVE-BEINGNESS.

Christ Jesus and the
✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️ are ONE. 

It is My good pleasure to give y'all access to My kingdom -- even while you still live and walk upon the earth. [ Luke 12:32 ] because  ✝️ I AM ✝️ in the world not to condemn; but, rather, AWAKEN everyone unto My Truth so y'all may have life and have it more abundantly. [ John 10:10 ]

I have prepared my servant, Clarence, all his life -- since his birth -- for this magnificent SACRED MISSION of Mine. Listen to him. 

My Holy Spirit is upon this humble man, a former horrific sinner, who like Mary Magdalene, sincerely repented and surrendered his life to Me.

I forgive, guide, and bountifully bless everyone who turns to me. Though one's  sinful heart be stained scarlet, it shall be 
fully cleansed by My Almighty Power to become as white as snow.  

Clarence, who is still undergoing the sacred process of My sanctification, although not yet made perfect by Me, receives my frequent communion as he  "dies daily" for sake of My Glorious Salvation: until the ordained time when his remaining personal ego-will, shall be inevitably and utterly slain.  "Little me," one's mind-created, limited ego-identity must decrease and "Big Me," 
the ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️, must increase and Reign Supreme.  [ John 3:30]

The same goes for everyone else in the world who, "in Spirit and in Truth" comes unto Me in sincere repentence "with a broken and contrite heart "
Then I, the King of kings, LORD of Lords, shall take over one's life to bring about
one's ascent unto greater holiness, degree by degree. 


In my Eternal Exalted Holiness, 
I declare to y'all...

My Kingdom "is at hand" and readily accessible to everyone. The entire earth is My footstool and it is all "Holy Ground," every square centimeter of it, because I fully dwell among y'all ...always have... and always shall... while mankind still lives upon the earth.

Who among men dare deny...

The world is the Mine, and everything therein, and all who live in it."  Psalm 24:1

Do you not understand? ...it is My good pleasure to bring y'all into My Kingdom, My Rest, My heavenly Peace, and My Infinite Divine LOVE. 

As your LORD God, it is My utmost desire to make you Holy, each and all, so I can perceive the ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️
through "you" for My own Glory. 

This is why I created man in my spiritual image and likeness: so I could behold 
✝️ Me ✝️ through the cleansed, transparent mirror of a sanctified mind and heart.

Come unto Me My Children, the Sacred Source and Sustainer of each and every, one of you.  Your physical body is my temple; your mind, my sanctuary; your heart, my "holy of holies" inner sanctuary.
You shall know this with unflinching certainty after you, by My Divine Power and Grace, are fully awakened. 

The ✝️ HOLY ONE I AM ✝️  **IS** already and always BEING "you" and doing the perceiving in "you."

As the Almighty unCreated LIGHT 
✝️ I AM ✝️, it is My Holy Will that you follow Christ Jesus, the Way-Shower, and yourself "overcome" the illusionary world which is but the shadow of My Infinite Beingness.  

I, Alone, possess the Power to make men holy; to transform a poor, simple, ordinary man into an extraordinary Cosmic-Conscious 
who is capable, by My Divine Power, of manifesting miracles, signs and wonders, spontaneously, as any particular need or problem arises.  [ John 14:12 ]

By My Divine Power, one is made worthy to inherit the Kingdom I have prepared for all who truly love Me; and, like Jesus of Nazareth, is ready and willing to lay down your life for Me, in an instant.

Christ, the "Alpha and Omega" is coming again; not as mortal man has imagined or believed -- but WONDROUSLY -- as Clarence, My appointed, modern-times messenger shall reveal.

I have prepared and groomed this Son of My Holy Light to introduce an entirely 
✴New Way✴ to approach My Presence --- for it is I Who sits upon My Mighty Throne "within" one's heart.  

This ✴New Way✴ is founded on an unceasing positive and optimistic attitude of mind and heart which fervently to make direct contact with the Indwelling Christ 
✝️ I AM ✝️, one's True SPIRITual Identity.


Clarence will teach mankind about My
inherent Divine Cosmic Sense of Humor and show how everyone can enter into My Kingdom through selfless LOVE, Holy Humor, and by serving others, and through Spontaneous and Joyous Laughter. 

✝️ I AM ✝️ the Infinite, Sovereign LORD of all creation; yet, like each of you, I possess a Sense of Humor, howbeit, Mine **IS** Cosmicly boundless, Holy and Divine.

Stop being so grim, negative, melancholy, and serious in your spiritual practices and courageous effort to make contact with Me. ✝️ I AM ✝️ in absolute full control of everything ALL THE TIME; know this and become an unceasing, carefree optimist. Work to purge your mind and heart of all negative thoughts and emotions. 

AS my Son, Jesus, told Martha: "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”   [ Luke 10:42 ]

I have ordained My servant, Clarence, to bring a New and Magnificent, SPIRITual "quickeng" to an extremely devisive and unhappy world where nearly-almost everyone is under mass mind control and utterly lost in the darkness of spiritual ignorance.

During My "New Years 2022 "Miracle' Message to Clarence, I came to him and telepathically transmitted my Divine Will, as He laid on His bed. It is My Holy Propensity to only come to him, and others, when the mind is naked and emptied of all thoughts; and, one has entered into the state of Receptive Stillness in Sacred Silence, watching and waiting for My visit. I cannot, for long, resist anyone who prepares for My coming in this manner.

Know this...


☦ "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God ☦ Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come."
[ ...into the consciousness of all humanity. ]
Revelation 4:8

